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Pays : Etats-Unis

Le Parti Républicain choisit un “pro-choice”

Le nouveau Président du comité national républicain, la tête de l’appareil du parti, Michael Steele, estime que le droit à l’avortement relève de la sphère privée.


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2 commentaires

  1. Avant d’hurler avec les loups, fiez-vous aux sources originales et en faisant des recherches sur les sites pro-life américains, vous verrez que la position de Michael Steele est très loin de la caricature qui en est faite par e-deo et par ricochet, par ce blog, concernant l’avortement.
    [Et bien expliquez-nous sa position. MJ]

  2. Le commentaire de “Jean” est tout à fait exact.
    Je consulte lesalonbeige car on y trouve la vérité.
    Rétablissons-la sur ce sujet. Voir ci-dessous une citation du site ( :
    In Steele, the Republican Party gets a fresh national face and an African-American with experience in government who also hails from a state that is not normally dominated by Republicans.
    The party also gets a leader who takes a pro-life position on abortion.
    Although Steele was questioned about his commitment to the pro-life perspective during the campaign because of his former involvement in the Republican Leadership Council, a group that features a large number of pro-abortion Republicans, Steele said his only reason for participating was his desire to grow the party and that he remained solidly pro-life on abortion.
    In a previous interview with CBN News, Steele said he had adopted a pro-life position since the beginning of his political career.
    “When I came out and got politically involved I was an advocate for pro-life issues,” he explained.
    “I was endorsed by National Right to Life. I don’t think they would endorse me if I were squeamish or squishy as some have called me on this issue,” Steele added, referring to the endorsement he received during his Senate campaign in 2006.
    “Roe versus Wade was wrongly decided. It should be overturned in my personal view,” Steele said about his position on the Supreme Court case that allowed for virtually unlimited abortions.
    Steele says that if he is elected as the new Republican Party chairman that he will direct the GOP in a pro-life heading.
    “We value life born and unborn and we will fight for that and I will fight for that as an individual and I will fight for that as chairman of the party,” he says.
    Steele said Barack Obama is getting a free pass from criticism from the media and that pro-life Republicans need to hold him accountable.

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