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Pays : Russie

Des ONG de défense des droits de l’homme soutiennent la Russie

Lu sur C-Fam :

organisations de défense des droits de l’homme du monde entier viennent
d’exprimer leur soutien en faveur des efforts de la Russie
, qui tente
de protéger ses enfants contre la propagande homosexuelle.

déclaration de la société civile affirme que la loi récemment adoptée
par la Russie, et qui prévoie des amendes à l’encontre de tout individu
ou groupement qui ferait la promotion de l’homosexualité auprès des
mineurs, est un pas important dans la direction d’un respect des
obligations internationales de protection de la famille et des mineurs.

Profesionales por la Etica, l’association espagnole qui a coordonné le
mouvement, ces organisations des quatre coins du monde n’ont pas tardé à
exprimer leur soutien. En une semaine seulement, plus de 71
organisations se sont manifestées.

la déclaration, la Russie protège « des droits de l’homme véritables et
universellement reconnus  contre de fausses valeurs, artificielles et
fabriquées », telles l’orientation sexuelle et l’identité de genre.
associations reconnaissent dans la loi russe un effort de protection de
la famille, unité fondamentale de la société. La loi a pour objectif de
protéger l’ «innocence des enfants » et les « droits des parents »,
peut-on lire dans la déclaration. […]"

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5 commentaires

  1. On a d’un côté O bama + Hollande avec sa clique de LGBT soutenus par les islamistes d’Al Qaeda et les médias….. Et d’un autre côté des peuples opprimés avec leurs enfants qu’ils veulent ravir..

  2. Vive les Russes

  3. Le contre-combat culturel s’engage, ne lâchons rien.

  4. Sans la liste, c’est difficile à croire

  5. Il ne faut pas être naïf! La réalité sur la Russie n’est pas si simple que ça… Lisez bien jusqu’au bout les commentaires (en anglais) d’Anca-Maria Cernea à l’article écrit en juillet par Austin Ruse. Elle explique très bien comment sont les choses, quelle est la réalité :
    written by Anca-Maria Cernea, July 26, 2013
    The Latvian lady was absolutely right.
    I can’t believe I’m reading a praise of the Putin regime on this site, by Mr. Austin Ruse, who has done so much to defend Christian and family values so far.
    We need to recall some basic facts.
    Czar Putin comes from KGB and is the heir of the Soviet leaders. He is not at all ashamed by his predecessors, quite the opposite, he is proud of them and overtly nostalgic of the USSR; it’s enough to take a look at Stalin’s portraits displayed in Russia on May 9th.
    On the other hand, Putin’s regime has committed some serious crimes of its own. For instance, the military invasion of Georgia, war crimes in Chechnia. The last were documented, among others, by the brave Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaia, who was later herself brutaly killed, as were killed other independent Russian journalists and people who were opposing the Russian regime – let’s just mention Alexander Litvinenko. We owe this heroic men and women at least some interest in the message they were trying to give the world, after all, they died for it! Their message, literally sealed with blood, was definitely not: “Putin has converted to Christianity!”.
    The current-day Russian leaders descend directly from the KGB and the Soviet Communist Party elite. There was never a Nuremberg trial of the Soviet past.
    Another basic fact that needs to be reminded is that the USSR was the Evil Empire who killed milions of Christians and did everything to destroy Christianity in the part of the world it occupied.
    Therefore, keeping in mind that there is perfect continuity in mentality, methods, even personnel, between the the USSR and the current-day Russian regime, why should we believe they suddenly changed? Shouldn’t this supposed “change” be proven somehow? Can anyone imagine Germany after WW2 being led by the same guys from NSDAP and Gestapo, who would pretend they suddenly converted to Christianity and are now committed to its defence worldwide?
    Contrary to the impression that may be left by a few days of visiting Russia’s monasteries, Russian society is, in reality, infinitely more decadent and rotten than any Western society. Just look at the numbers of abortions, divorces, alcohol and drug addiction, HIV infection and other STD, etc. Russia is hardly an example for others as far as Christian morality is concerned.
    All of the claims that Western “progressive” decadents think nowadays they are the first to formulate, have already been legalized by Lenin: abortion, homosexuality, destruction of the “burgeois” family, instant divorce, general promiscuity. Stalin reversed some of Lenin’s sexual revolution in Russia, but the Comintern still supported it to be used in the West / Georg Lucacs, Frankfurt School, Antonio Gramsci. The USSR inspired and encouraged every possible decadent movement outside of its territory, in order to undermine the Free World’s moral structure. Remember that the first gay rights NGO in human history was composed more than 90% of members of the American Communist Party. After all, cultural marxism is still marxism. Anyone who has studied a little bit of marxist “dialectics” should understand that this intrinsically mendacious ideology can take many shapes in order to achieve its goal -which is the destruction of Judeo-Christian Civilization.
    There is another important thing about the Russian regime that is hardly ever perceived in the West. Russian leaders can make long term plans, they don’t have to worry about losing elections. Their predecessors invested in cultural subversion of their adversaries, and they are now taking profit of the fruitful results, many dacades later. They can now assume the role of “defenders of morality and common sense”.
    It’s a big mistake to attribute Russian leaders the Western way of thinking, which is based on a binary logic: true/false, black/white, left/right, good/evil. In Russia, since the time of the Czar, his secret police, Ochrana, a precursor of KGB, used to create opposition movements, in order to better repress them. They controlled the provocations, they controlled the police repression. It works the same way today. This gives Russian leaders more and more power on their own population (see the case of Moscow appartment bombings and its effects) and makes them a lot more dangerous for their eternal ennemy, the West (it doesn’t matter that the West thinks the Cold War is over, the Russian leaders have never given up the plan to win it – they say it loud, but nobody in the West pays attention).
    Alexander Dugin, the most influential ideologue of the current-day Russian regime, has written openly about Russia’s mission to destroy the Western world, specially America, the Catholic Church and individual freedom. Dugin has replaced the old form of marxism, which is compromised in Russia, with a new collectivist ideology to justify Russian aggressive hatred for the West, a combination of bolshevism, nazism and gnostic-pagan elements. “Moral indignation” is part of it, it gives the Russian leaders a position of (apparent) moral superiority over the “decadent West”.
    Dugin has recommended as strategy against the West THE USE OF BOTH THE LEFT AND THE RIGHT, subversion and outraged reaction. And in Eastern Europe it’s easy to track the link to Moscow of both the New Left (promoting the cultural revolution agenda) and the New Right (supposedly defending traditional values, in fact using fascist forms, that may actually compromise those values).
    Proclaiming Putin as the defender of Christianity is a deadly illusion.
    In our part of the world we describe this situation as “running away from the devil just to walk into his father”.
    written by Anca-Maria Cernea, July 26, 2013
    Thank you, Rich.
    There is a wise Russian saying that applies well here:
    “Trust, but check!”
    What I said above was not about my feelings or my suspicions. I don’t even ask you to trust me. Just check the facts I mentioned. This thing is too serious to be judged with the heart.
    “…for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light” (St. Luke 16>8)

    written by Anca-Maria Cernea, July 27, 2013
    I would like to propose you some specific research topics.
    – RT, formerly “Russia Today”, is the Russian government TV channel, broadcasting in English for the US. Check whether this information is true or false.
    – Then go to RT’s website and see the kind of coverage it gave to the Occupy Wall Street protests. Decide whether it was minimal/extensive, and decide weather it was negative/neutral/positive.
    – Then go to OWS web pages, resp. to LGBT rights pages, and see how this two groups relate to each other. Decide whether there is between them mutual hostility, indifference, or they speak like they had a common cause.
    – If you come to the conclusion that the RT (the Russian government) supported the OWS, and the OWS and LGBT work together in harmony, than you can ask yourselves why the Christian-conservative Putin administration is doing this, and how much you can rely on such an ally to defend family values in America and worldwide.

    written by Anca-Maria Cernea, July 28, 2013
    Thank you, Sue.
    Prof. Olavo de Carvalho is the greatest mind of our time! Marxists, progressives and revolutionists of all kinds fear him like holy water. He knocked Dugin out spectacularly in that debate. It is a very important text to read, very instructive.

    written by Anca-Maria Cernea, July 28, 2013
    Prof. Olavo has written and lectured a lot about Fatima.
    He stresses that we are still living in the Fatima prophecy. Our Lady never mentioned “The Soviet Union”. She mentioned “Russia”. She said that “Russia’s errors” would spread throughout the world. It’s far from being over.

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